Kalyani Gilliam

Practitioner of
Acupuncture and
Nutritional Response Test

"Since there's No Pill for posture the only way to keep our bodies aligned is through movement. Your movements shape your posture.
Correct alignment is a dynamic thing created every moment, every movement. Getting this right is what the Feldenkrais Method® teaches you.
I've been helping people erase pain and create effortless uprightness by improving their movement for 26 years.
When you give attention to your habits and playfully, consistently trend your system toward balance the fruit of this effort is pain-free, graceful living throughout the rest of your life.  It's an invaluable key to staying young as the years go by."

     Describing the results of his work Moshe' Feldenkrais summed it up well saying:

"Making the Impossible
   The  Possible Easy and
   The Easy Elegant."


Movement Can
Change Your Brain
Heal Your Pain

Experience Feldenkrais®!
Free Interactive Demo

Sat. Oct. 20,

Community Church of Monterey
3450 Carmel Valley Rd.
  • Chronic Pain?

  • No lasting positive results from traditional therapies?

  • Does working out make things worse?

  • Private sessions out of your budget?

Sound familiar?  This is your  event!

Come feel for yourself how the gentle persuasive movements of Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement® (ATM) Lessons promote long-term pain relief, improved balance and powerful, effortless movement.

Dress comfortably.
This informal, light-hearted event is experiential and educational.

Come with questions.
Leave feeling better and informed.

Bring your friends and loved ones.
